Friday 8 December 2017

Reading dog and Bug hotels

This week we had 'Daisy' the reading dog come into school to read with us as part of our eight week plan to improve reading across the school.  She enjoyed snuggling on the bean bag and listening to stories and then a cuddle afterwards.  We've held a book club and shared some of our favourite stories too.

We have also been making bug hotels as part of the challenge to add to our new reflective garden.  Well done girls these are amazing!

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Enchanted woodland stories and shoe boxes

We have really enjoyed writing an Enchanted woodland story, thinking carefully about the characters, setting, a beginning,  middle and end.  Based on our ideas we went on to design a shoe box story world and thought about how to incorporate  - enchanted features, make it colourful and add a moving part.
It was a wonderful experience to invite in our grown ups and give them an exhibition of all of our hard work!  We were very proud Bumblebees.