Sunday 10 June 2018

Samba Workshop

We had a fantastic memorable experience to start our Rio de Vida topic. Norwich Samba Band came in to do a workshop with all their drums, surdo, shakers Caxias, tambas and agogos.


Bread Baking

As part of our topic we decided to become bakers just like the one that would have worked in the 'Pudding Lane Bakery'.  We followed instructions carefully to knead the bread, prove it and then bake it.  We made predictions about how long to bake the rolls for and then conducted the experiment to find out which was the perfect amount of time - 15 minutes was just right!!

Royal Wedding

We had our very own Royal Wedding in the church on Tuesday.The children loved dressing up as wedding guests, bridesmaids, page boys and members of the royal family. Reverend Andrew North wrote the ceremony script with lots of humour and the children re-enacted the wedding.

Multi skills

We had great fun at the  Multi-skills festival at Eastern and Otley College this week. The children enjoyed playing a variety of skills based team games.

Fire station visit

On Tuesday 24th April, Year 1 went on a very exciting trip to Norwich. We went to the Diamond Jubilee Trowse Fire Station!

The firefighters told us all about how they keep safe and help people. It was very interesting and we got to ask lots of questions like;
"Do you use foam to put fires out?"  "Do you rescue cats from trees?"  "Why do you have pop-up cones?"   We were able to have a go at squirting the hoses and climb inside the fire truck - it was so 

On Monday we had been learning all about The Great Fire of London. Therefore, we knew that in 1666 there was no fire brigade to help people. We found out that the fire brigade was one of the good things that came about because of the fire.

After our tour of the fire station we went to Eaton Park to have our lunch and a run around. We then went back on the coach which took us up to Mousehold Heath. The view was amazing! We spotted the cathedral, lots of tall buildings and houses too. We then worked in pairs to complete our own sketches of the city. 


Friday 20 April 2018

Royal visit and tea party

We have had a fantastic start to our new ‘Bright Lights, Big City’ topic. On Tuesday we came dressed in our best party clothes because we had been invited to a tea party with the Queen. We spent the morning making ham, cheese and jam sandwiches with little flags in, we made bunting to decorate and also learned about the role of the Queen and the Royal family. In the afternoon the hall was all set up for our afternoon tea and the Queens arrival, we even made her a throne and a red carpet. We had cups and saucers laid out and lots of the children tried tea with their sandwiches and party rings. The Queen couldn’t stay for the whole afternoon because she is very busy and her driver was waiting but after that we went outside for games. The games included cricket, croquet, hoopla, skipping, skittles and welly tossing.



Wednesday 28 March 2018

Bright lights Big city

Our topic after the Easter break is going to be Bright Lights, Big City.  As part of the topic launch we have been cordially invited by the Queen to attend school on Tuesday 17th April in our party clothes for an afternoon tea party with a special guest!!


We had eggcellent fun rolling decorated eggs down the hill in exchange for a chocolate egg!  Happy Easter everyone!!

Roy Lichtenstein

We enjoyed learning about Roy Lichtenstein the artist and his POP art style with dots and Primary colours.  We worked as teams to recreate some of his artwork.

Sports relief

We completed 12 laps of the playground everyday for our contribution to walking the distance to Cairo!  The children all had lots of fun and really challenged themselves to run some of the laps                           

Tower block Arrays

We learnt how to multiply using the Array method.  Bright yellow paper became windows on black tower blocks and each tower block represented a different multiplication.                           

Superhero WOW day

We had so much fun with our Super hero WOW day.  We did all sorts of craft activities, including making wands, shields, masks and enjoyed making a super fruit kebab to eat.